Special edition Arquivos de Ciências do Mar: adding knowledge about marine animal forests

Special edition Arquivos de Ciências do Mar: adding knowledge about marine animal forests

We are pleased to announce that some of our members have participated in the recent editionof the journal Arquivos de Ciencias Do Mar, V. 55 (2022), which has some really interesting articles that are really worth to read.

The editorial has been written in collaboration with our Action Chair Dr. Sergio Rossi, with a tone of reflection about the past and future of the oceans.  This special edition has intended to gather senior and young scientists to contribute on what are hot topics and challenges, concerns and threats, solutions, and plans for conservation, management, and blue growthin the framework of the UN Decade of the Oceans.

Besides the editorial, we have contributions from Enrique Islaour Grant Holder coordinator, and Underwater gardens International, although the main topic wasn’t Marine Animal Forests, their research always have impact on understanding the functioning of these ecosystems.

The last contribution to highlight, is about answering one of the biggest challenges we face nowadays: climate change, acidification of the oceans and biodiversity loss, through restoration of Marine Animal Forests, a recommended and essential reading for all of us.

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