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COMMUNICATION KIT In this space, we want to share some MAF WORLD resources and visual identity rules to help you communicate and accurately disseminate our COST Action. Our Logo Here you will find our logo, including our Brand manual, so you can easily download it and use it according to the visual identity of the...
COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding organisation for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and beyond and enable researchers and innovators to grow their ideas in any science and technology field by sharing them with their peers....
FROM THE LABS TO THE REEFS WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS Assessing Heterotrophy in Marine Animal Forests and its importance in guiding conservation strategy.The workshop was held in 26 & 27 October 2022. It provided an opportunity to share current knowledge and highlighted existing gaps and future directions regarding heterotrophy’s importance to MAFs. The workshop presentations are now...