Communication Kit

Communication Kit


In this space, we want to share some MAF WORLD resources and visual identity rules to help you communicate and accurately disseminate our COST Action.

Our Logo

Here you will find our logo, including our Brand manual, so you can easily download it and use it according to the visual identity of the MAF WORLD COST Action. For more information about PPT templates, you can visit our member’s area.

Our Leaflet

As a network of knowledge, we aim to show the different Marine Animal Forests beautifully. With this leaflet, we want to promote dissemination and communication, to generate interest, curiosity, and impact about our COST Action

COST Action visual identity guidelines

As participants of a COST Action, we need to follow the guidelines to ensure you use the COST brand identity correctly when acknowledging COST funding in all materials and resources we develop.

Please read them carefully and use them according to the following Co-branding rules.