WG8 – Dissemination, Communication, and Bottom-up Policies

WG8 – Dissemination, Communication, and Bottom-up Policies

Description of the WG8

Effective communication and dissemination, including bottom-up initiatives are key factors that determine to a great extent the impact of the project in society. This will be a transversal working group that will develop and use different communication and dissemination formats and channels promoting active participation and addressed
to different target groups, to catalyze connections among the different nodes of the network. The tasks will be focused on giving support to the different working groups and fostering the engagement and interactions between public/private sectors and civil society towards the knowledge, management and conservation of MAFs, through innovative and powerful instruments such as citizen science.

Activity 1

MAFs Open Access Themes Bank. Task: a. Web Site construction. b. Web content development. c. Catalogue existing content. d. Web Site maintenance.

Activity 2

MAFs interaction nodes. Task: a. Identify and generate a MAFs contact list. b. Classify stakeholders in relation to MAFs conservation. c. Extension of nodes contacts. d. Create alliances.

Activity 3

MAFs Citizen Science (CS). Task: a. Identify CS actions related with MAFs and most suitable CS platforms. b. Classify CS actions in relation to MAFs conservation – impact degree. c. CS MAFs proposal elaboration. d. CS 14 Proposal consolidation of MAFs.

Activity 4
Citizen Science Workshop. Task: a. Program proposal, b. Selection of location and dates. c. Specialist selection and invitation. d. Program definition. e. Participants’ invitation. f. Workshop logistics. g. Hold Workshop. h. Dissemination tasks. i. Follow-up.
Activity 5

MAFs Citizen Science Training School. Task:a. Trainers selection. b. Selection of location and dates. c. Program definition. d. Target trainees and trainees’ selection. e. Modules preparation. f Training school announcement. g. Materials. h. Training school. i. Follow-up. j. STSM: organize and coordinate a practical experience to share knowledge and put into practice the know-how of citizen science as part of a research project.


MAFs Dissemination plan. Task: a. Identify and define target audiences. b. Define objectives and Key messages. c. MAF’s branding: Slogan, logo and visual identity. d. Dissemination tools: Website and social media. e. Partners’ main actions. f. Dissemination materials. g. Synergies with relevant networks. h. Events: local and international. i. Monitoring


MAFs book edition. Task: a. Definition of book’s structure. b. Chapters’ thematic and authoring. c. Establishing deadlines. d. Writing and reviewing. e. Follow up and reminders. f. Compilation and edition. g. Layout.

IMPORTANT: To make feasible all the workshops and training schools: 1) The training school will be programmed after the workshop in the same elected place (university); 2) These events will be organized unifying two Work Groups (e.g. WG2 and 8) to maximize resource optimization and when similar topics converge, to get the most profit of the meetings.