WG5 – Trophic ecology, benthic-pelagic coupling and dispersal strategies

WG5 – Trophic ecology, benthic-pelagic coupling and dispersal strategies

Description of the WG5

This topic will help to better understand the constraints of several biological strategies in front of fast ocean changes; the challenge is to develop a more uniform approach to the processes affecting suspension feeders (passive and active), that will help to look for solutions to the effects of environmental and biological changes of the water column. This information is essential to understand most of the direct and indirect threats. The WG will be in direct contact with WG 3, 5 and 6.

Activity 1

Literature review on this MAF topic. Tasks: a. Review on existing MAF Literature (scientific, government and grey literature) b. Organise and classify literature review c. Writing and submission of a manuscript to publish according to COST requirements of High Impact Standards.

Activity 2

Workshop on trophic ecology. Tasks: a. Identify, contact and confirm workshop participants. b. Hold workshop. c. Identification of common protocols for autecology data and interpretation. d. Share ideas and knowhow through different channels. d. Build a publically available metadatabase, to encourage further analysis of the existing literature.

Activity 3

Training school on trophic ecology and benthic-pelagic coupling processes of benthic suspension feeders. Tasks: a. Training modules on food availability, feeding, physiology, biomarkers, growth, etc). b. Indepth approach for the students about the dispersal topic, showing the different evolutionary strategies of benthic suspension feeders. c. Program of study/research will be available for selected students to participate in an STSM to conduct part of their project with an international colleague within the COST Action. d. Student network via STSM or/and training schools to develop the students’ networks and expose them to different institutions, data and ways of working.