WG1 – Coordination of the COST Network

WG1 – Coordination of the COST Network

Description of the WG1

A general coordination WG is needed, not only to manage organization and dynamics of all WGs, but also to disseminate and promote the MAF idea outside the network. WG1 will be connected to all the other WGs. The following activities will be executed by WG1.

Activity 1

Organize the coordination of the WGs. Tasks: a. Kick off meeting; b. Follow up meetings.

Activity 2

Organize, support and develop the workshops and webinars of each WG, in coordination with the WG leaders, about logistics, sharing protocols and standardizing methodologies of different aspects of MAF. Tasks: a. Coordination between the WG leaders; b. Follow up of the workshops and webinars, giving direct support to the WG leaders.

Activity 3

Organize training courses for PhDs, Early Career Investigators and technicians to standardize the above-mentioned protocols for the MAF study and conservation. Tasks: a. Make a screening of the potential students for the MAF topics; b. Contact the different partners and beyond to advertise the program and call for participation; c. Make a specific program of engagement.

Activity 4

Coordinate the STSM program for the MAF-WORLD ACTION.

Activity 5

Create a specific Master of Science course on the Marine Animal Forests of the World. Tasks: a. Contact the potential partners of the Master; b. Create a common program; c. Involve the institutions that may participate (will be a shared Master); d. Consolidate the tools for the Master; e. Publicize/Announce through the MAF WORLD network.