Communication – Connecting the dots within the Marine Animal Forest

Communication – Connecting the dots within the Marine Animal Forest

In case you are not applying for funding, you can register at the link below.


Communication skills are becoming a crucial piece of science, and with this training school, we offer a navigation trip through different communication components that can improve our message about Marine Animal Forests.

This training experience is about connecting the dots and seeing how each element can complement others to make an engaging history through exhibitions, Citizen science with a real field experience, writing, videos, and social networks within the framework of the Marine Animal Forest COST Action.

Where: Barcelona, Institut de Ciències del Mar

When: 10 to 13 October 2022

Eligibility criteria

  • Applicants must be formally affiliated to or registered at a European institution.
  • Applicants must be a member of the MAF COST Action to apply for funding.

Applying for MAF-WORLD training school

  • The invitation has been sent to all members of the MAF WORLD COST Action
  • The deadline for applications is 18:00 GMT on 30September 2022. 
  • Successful applicants will then be able to apply for reimbursement of their workshop travel costs, subject to the conditions below. No advance payments will be made.
  • In case you are not applying for funding, you can register at the link below (Register here)

COST travel reimbursement

  • COST reimbursement rulesmust be respected by all reimbursed participants. 
  • Your travel, accommodation and subsistence expenseswill be reimbursed by COST in full accordance of the COST reimbursement rules, which are further described in the Annotated rules for COST Actions (Annex 1, 3.1.3. Eligible expenses). You must register/update the receptor’s bank details (the account to which the reimbursed amount has to be transferred) as soon as possible before the event on
  • It is strongly recommended that participants purchase travel cancellation insurance. In the event of a cancellation, participants must seek reimbursement from cancellation insurance / accommodation service provider / any other means available to them where applicable. A user guide for claiming expenses in case of force majeure is available to the participants here: COST Derogation procedure

  • Costs are reimbursed retrospectively after the training school has taken place via the e-COST portal. You must retain proof of payment for your flight ticket as well as your boarding passes.
  • You must submit your request for reimbursement via the online e-COST platform as soon as possible after the workshop, and no later than 31 October 2022
  • You can expect reimbursement within a few weeks of submitting your claim, subject to providing all the necessary documentation.
  • Recipients of travel bursaries through this scheme must ensure they sign the daily attendance register provided at the workshop.