For MAF-WORLD COST Action 20102, it is a pleasure to announce the training school “Habitat mapping and trophic ecology of Marine Animal Forests” that will be held in Portugal at the Center for Marine Sciences in Faro, on Sept 25th – Oct 1st 2023.
The topics include:
Marina Carreiro Silva (University of the Azores, Portugal)
Carlos Dominguez Carrió (University of the Azores, Portugal)
Márcio Coelho (CCMAR, Portugal)
Laurence De Clippele (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Vianney Denis (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Aschwin Engelen (CCMAR, Portugal)
Christine Ferrier-Pagès (Monaco Scientific Center, Monaco)
Andrea Gori (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Covadonga Orejas (IEO-CSIC)
Sergio Rossi (University of Salento, Italy; UFC-Labomar, Brazil)
Alessandra Savini (University of Milan, Italy)
Nadine Schubert (CCMAR, Portugal)
Núria Viladrich (University of Barcelona, Spain)
The training school is limited to 15 students and travel bursaries are available from the MAF WORLD COST Action to support the participation of 10 students in this training event. If you are interested in applying for this funding support, please first check that you fit the eligibility criteria below and then follow the steps to apply.
Applying for MAF-WORLD training school
MAF-WORLD travel bursaries
Eligibility criteria for application for travel bursaries
What is covered by the funding support, and what are the rules?
Please contact Nadine Schubert or Sergio Rossi.
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.
MAF World aims to develop an integrative vision that will fuel research and steer future policies on crosscutting sustainability-driven issues related to the fragmented governance of benthic ecosystems in coastal and open ocean waters.
MoU: 042/21
CSO Approval date: 25 May 2021
Start date: 04 October 2021
End date: 03 October 2025
© 2025 MAF WORLD • COST ACTION CA20102 • All rights reserved