ZMT-Bremen welcomes our FIRST F2F MEETING

ZMT-Bremen welcomes our FIRST F2F MEETING

Coinciding with the 15th International Coral Reef Symposium in Bremen, the ZMT – Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research welcomes our first Management Committee to set the future activities for the following years and strengthen our networking COST Action.

During three days of intense work, a representation of more than 28 scientists from 17 countries will discuss the network’s roadmap until the end of the Action in 2024. We are pleased to have as hosts researchers from ZMT and members of our OCST Action, Professor Marcelo Soares and Dr Sonia Bejarano, from the Reef Systems working group, who have been organising the meeting with the directorate of ZMT. 

“I am happy about the event at the ZMT in Bremen. I think it’s an important and thinking-out-of-the-box place for discussions of new themes and aspects of innovation such as the role of marine animal forests for the blue economy and blue carbon”, says Professor Rossi, the Action Chair of our MAF-World COST Action.

We are sure this will be an exciting experience and a first Face-to-Face opportunity to improve our networking and communication. 

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