Organizers: Marina Carreiro-Silva, Okeanos, U. of the Azores, Portugal; Maria Rakka, Oceanography Department, Dalhousie University, Canada
Venue and Timing: Hybrid format, John McIntyre Conference Centre – Pollock Halls Estate, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Dates: Saturday June 3- Sunday June 4 2023
Overall goal: A workshop organised by IAtlantic in collaboration with COST Action MAF WORLD, aims to provide practical guidance on the maintenance of cold-water corals (CWCs) in aquaria, offering an overview of the different aquaria systems, collection methods, feeding and daily care. It also provides talks by experienced researchers working with different CWC species in aquaria, addressing a variety of techniques for ecophysiological research, and using different life stages (adult and larval stages). Researchers will also provide advice on troubleshooting, how to address the challenges of experimental design and how to extrapolate data collected in the lab to the natural environment. We believe this workshop will be valuable to any researcher interested in conducting experimental work with cold-water corals in aquaria.
Application deadline: 10 March 2023
How to apply:
Notification of acceptance: Successful applicants will be notified by 20 March 2023
Travel grants: Provided by the Marine Animal Forests of the world (MAF) COST framework. Grants are available to applicants who are affiliated to research organizations within the EU and associated countries of the MAF COST. Funds are available to cover round trip travel and/or per-diem cost for a limited number of participants who wish to attend the workshop in person. Applicants wishing to apply for travel funds should:
Session topics
Visit to St Abbs Marine Station: Practical examples on manipulation of carbonate chemistry, temperature and oxygen
Prof. Andrea Gori, University of Barcelona, Spain/Prof. Ann Larsson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden/ Dr. Covadonga Orejas, Instituto Español de Oceanografia, Spain/ Prof. Nadine Le Bris,Sorbonne University, France/Prof. Rhian Waller, University of Gothenburg, Sweden/ Dr. Sandra Maier, Greenland Climate Research Centre, Greenland/ Prof. Sam Dupont, University of Gothenburg, Sweden/Dr. Sebastian Hennige, The University of Edinburgh, UK
For more information, contact:
Marina Carreiro-Silva;
Maria Rakka
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.
MAF World aims to develop an integrative vision that will fuel research and steer future policies on crosscutting sustainability-driven issues related to the fragmented governance of benthic ecosystems in coastal and open ocean waters.
MoU: 042/21
CSO Approval date: 25 May 2021
Start date: 04 October 2021
End date: 03 October 2025
© 2025 MAF WORLD • COST ACTION CA20102 • All rights reserved